About – MycoGold

For over 30 years,

We have operated farms in Eastern Europe and the U.S.

We’ve been producing biological products for the last 25 years. We were one of the very first US corporations to start farming in Ukraine after the Soviet Union fell in the early 90’s. We expanded and farmed 30,000 acres of corn, beans, and wheat. Biologicals became a big part of our Ukraine operation in the early 2000s. As geopolitical risks increased in Ukraine, we divested a majority of our operations there in 2017.  We created MycoGold Biologicals USA in 2015 to help farmers increase yields, improve soil biology, and reduce input costs. We have personally experienced biological’ benefits and wanted to share that knowledge. 

MycoGold still operates to this day as a family business providing the most complete and effective biological products for an honest price. Our long-term experience allows us to offer a premium biological product at a more competitive price. Currently, Ag Biotech products are the fastest-growing segment in farming. The problem is that with that growth, many new bio products on the market may not be the best solution, especially with the high cost associated with some of these products. We’ve seen clever gimmicky packaging, 100 bugs in jugs, and other misleading biological marketing practices. Fortunately, with the proper knowledge, dealers, and farmers can sort through these and have a better alternative.

The MycoGold Advantage

8-20% Yield Increases

By improving nutrient uptake and soil biology, MycoGold seed inoculant supports plant growth leading to yield increases.

10-25% Reduction of Fertilizer

MycoGold’s key bacteria and fungi work as bio fertilizers that fix Nitrogen, unlock P, and create better root development and soil biology which allows better uptake of nutrients.

High Counts of Endo Fungi Propagules

Propagules start benefiting the plant in the early stages and are more effective than spores for row crops short growing season.

Improved Drought Resistance

Since MycoGold seed inoculant supports water uptake from the soil, they strengthen plants in drought periods. This is a high importance in times of increasingly extreme climate conditions.

Improved Pest Resistance

Through root colonization, researchers have determined better plant defense against disease. The Beauveria Bassiana fungi grows endophytically through the plant defending against various insect pests.

MycoGold Supreme Biological Seed Treatment

Biologicals fall into three broad categories: Biofertilizers, Biocontrols, and Biostimulants. MycoGold has all 3, providing a complete BioArsenal package in one seed treatment. Our planter box treatment products are a combination blend of specific strains of active bacteria, fungi, aminos, humates, and chelated micro-nutrients. Simply put, from germination to harvest, MycoGold will help crops perform more efficiently in gathering, producing, and unlocking vital nutrients, ultimately increasing and protecting yield for a positive ROI.

Side by side Soybean Field 16″ rows MycoGold Biological Seed treatment vs. non treated.

Better canopy with MycoGold

The Wonders of Mycorrhizal Fungi

“We know more about the movement of celestial bodies than about the soil underfoot,” said Leonardo da Vinci. Modern scientists say that remains the case today. But we are starting to get a glimpse into that world.

One of the most recent discoveries revolves around something called mycorrhizae. These are filaments of fungus that grow on plant roots. These fungi act as extensions to a plant’s root network, allowing it to draw nutrients from a much larger area.

That in itself is amazing—plant and fungus working together to their mutual benefit. But last summer, researchers from the UK found that these mycorrhizae link up, creating a sort of underground Internet, connecting different plants together.

Perhaps a telegraph system would be a better analogy. The researchers found that when one plant was attacked by aphids, it would send a signal through the mycorrhizal filaments warning the other plants. These plants would have an early warning to go into defense mode, producing chemicals to repel aphids and even call for reinforcements by secreting a chemical designed to attract wasps, which eat aphids. The mycorrhizae help plants defend against disease in the same way, with sick plants using the network to get out an early warning.

Boost Your Crop Yield with MycoGold®

Ready to Get Started? Contact MycoGold Today

We know the challenges involved in farming and understand how important it is to get your input costs where they need to be while providing maximum production in return. Give MycoGold a try on your farm and realize it’s really worth Gold to your crops.