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Complex Bio-Carb™ carbon source for crops

The Carbon Effect

Let’s take a look at how using Complex Bio-Carb in concert with MycoGold® Bio-Inoculants provides an input strategy second to none.

Some of our first-time customers have started using the MycoGold® Bio-Inoculant seed treatment and their soil-appropriate fertilizer program. While this is an effective and successful “stand-alone” input strategy, we have experienced all positive results using an additional carbon source along with MycoGold®. Over the past decade, a group of MycoGold® customers and we have been testing MycoGold® Inoculants and various additional carbon source inputs. Our customers and we obtained excellent results using multiple carbon sources such as sugar and other soluble carbon-rich products. Testing included applications both in furrow and as a foliar. Carbon provides an additional food source for the microbial organisms contained within MycoGold®. Think of it this way. The biostimulant package in all MycoGold® Bio-Inoculant product blends are an adequate three-course meal for the live organisms. Adding carbon sources is like offering a twelve-course meal for the critters, resulting in better plant growth at the most crucial growth cycles, increasing production.

There are multiple carbon source conditioner products available. Considering all the different carbon source products tested, we recommend using Complex Bio-Carb for its low cost, chelated form, extended-release properties, performance, and overall efficacy. Complex Bio-Carb is available exclusively through MycoGold® and may be applied in furrow with or without fertilizer. It can also be applied as foliar with or without pesticides.

Adding carbon to the soil is critical to restoring health to the soil by increasing the organic matter content. Producers in today’s modern agricultural systems are working with soils that contain far less carbon than our soils originally contained prior to the implementation of modern agriculture. All of our soils are now degraded. The good news is we now know how we can regenerate our soils and put the carbon back in the soil. So why is carbon so important? It’s the building block for soil health. As you increase the carbon content, you improve aggregate stability. Excretions from these aggregates from the soil microbes begin to stabilize the soil particles into more significant sums. This provides the home for all the soil microbes living in these aggregates.

The carbon, nutrient, and water cycles in a healthy soil are all interrelated. For these cycles to perform to the best of their abilities, the soil must contain all of the necessary ingredients. If the soil lacks carbon, the nutrient and water cycles cannot perform to their highest capabilities.

The MycoGold Advantage

4-8 More Bushels

By improving nutrient uptake and soil biology, MycoGold seed inoculant supports plant growth leading to yield increases.

10-25% Reduction of Fertilizer

MycoGold’s key bacteria and fungi work as bio fertilizers that fix Nitrogen, unlock P, and create better root development and soil biology which allows better uptake of nutrients.

High Counts of Endomycorrhizal Propagules

Propagules start benefiting the plant in the early stages and are more effective than spores for row crops short growing season.

Improved Drought Resistance

Since MycoGold seed inoculant supports water uptake from the soil, they strengthen plants in drought periods. This is a high importance in times of increasingly extreme climate conditions.

Improved Pest Resistance

Research has determined better plant defenses against disease through root colonization. The Beauveria Bassiana fungi grow endophytically through the plant, defending against various insect pests.

Carbon w/ MycoGold®, a Winning Combination

How is Complex Bio-Carb applied?

Complex Bio-Carb is a liquid and does not contain live organisms, it can be mixed with fertilizer and, or pesticides. There are a few combination application choices depending on your needs. The best combination is applying both at planting in furrow and as a foliar. (See label below for more information)

Boost Your Crop Yield with MycoGold®

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We know the challenges involved in farming and understand how important it is to get your input costs where they need to be while providing maximum production in return. Give MycoGold a try on your farm and realize it’s really worth Gold to your crops.