MycoGold Soybean Blend – Mycorrhizal Biological Soybean Inoculant seed treatment

Increase yields, bring down costs and get more out of your soil with our microbial inoculant.

Achieve Golden Soybean Yields

Introducing MycoGold® Soybean Blend: The Ultimate Biological Inoculant Seed Treatment

Are you a soybean grower looking to maximize yields and increase profits? Look no further than MycoGold® Soybean Blend, the most advanced and complete biological soybean inoculant seed treatment on the market.

What sets MycoGold® apart from other inoculants is its unique combination of soybean-specific Bradyrhizobia, Bio-Stimulants, Mycorrhizal Fungi, Beauveria Bassiana Fungi, Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Rhodopseudopmonas, and chelated Micro-Nutrients. Each component works in synergy with the plant to produce a healthier, more vibrant crop from germination to harvest.

The MycoGold Advantage

3-8 More Bushels

By improving nutrient uptake and soil biology, MycoGold seed inoculant supports plant growth leading to yield increases.

More Nodulation

During Germination Rhizobia invade the root hairs of the plant. The roots incase the biology causing the formation of nodules. The plant receives nitrogen while the biology is given energy and shelter.

High Counts of Endomycorrhizal Propagules

Propagules start benefiting the plant in the early stages and are more effective than spores for row crops short growing season.

Improved Drought Resistance

Since MycoGold seed inoculant supports water uptake from the soil, they strengthen plants in drought periods. This is a high importance in times of increasingly extreme climate conditions.

Improved Pest Resistance

Research has determined that root colonization improves plant defenses against disease. Additionally, the Beauveria Bassiana fungi grow endophytically through the plant, defending against various insect pests.

Purchase MycoGold Soybean Blend

MycoGold Soybean Inoculant 2024 advantage results across 5 states

MycoGold Soybean 2024 test results 3.7 bushels per acre.

The Ultimate Soybean Inoculant Seed Treatment

How MycoGold Soybean Blend works and why it’s so Effective

Let’s take a closer look at how these components work to make MycoGold® the best biological inoculant seed treatment available.

Bradyrhizobia: The Nitrogen Fixers

One of the key benefits of MycoGold® is its ability to convert atmospheric Nitrogen gas into Ammonia gas in the form of nodules, thanks to the inclusion of soybean-specific Bradyrhizobia. This process, known as nitrogen fixation, allows the plant to access a vital nutrient it otherwise would not be able to obtain.

Enzyme/Amino/Vitamin/Humate Package: Accelerating Growth and Nutrient Processes

The Enzyme/Amino/Vitamin/Humate package in MycoGold® is another critical factor in the product’s success. This package helps to accelerate the plant’s metabolic growth and nutrient processes, leading to a more efficient uptake of nutrients and increased plant vigor.

Mycorrhizal Fungi: Expanding Root Absorption

MycoGold® also contains Mycorrhizal Fungi, responsible for increasing the root absorption area by 100 to 1000 times more than control. This advanced root system allows for more efficient uptake of moisture and nutrients and improves overall soil biology.

Beauveria Bassiana: The Insect Pest Defender

Another key component of MycoGold® is Beauveria Bassiana Fungi, which grows endophytically through the plant’s increasing vigor and defense against certain insect pests. This helps to protect the crop from damage and ensures a healthier, more productive plant.

Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Rhodopseudomonas, and Bacillus: Additional Nitrogen Generators

This Bacteria consortium is also included in MycoGold®, helping to generate nitrogen for the plant and limit abiotic/biotic stress. This helps generate additional Nitrogen for the plant.

Chelated Micro-Nutrients: Providing a Boost during Early Growth

Last but not least, the chelated micro-nutrients included in MycoGold® give your soybeans a boost during the initial growing stage, allowing for a head start and better emergence over control. This early advantage pays dividends in the form of increased yields.

Save on Seed Rate and Fertilizer

At MycoGold®, we believe in providing our customers with real, measurable results. That’s why we’ve conducted extensive testing on our product, with impressive results.

Over the last three years, our tests have shown an average increase in yield of 11.2%. This means that using MycoGold® can result in a significant boost in profits for soybean farmers.

In conclusion, if you’re looking to maximize yields and increase profits, MycoGold® Soybean Blend is the clear choice.

Dry Seed Treaters

Dry Seed treaters can simplify and easily deliver MycoGold® onto your seeds. Here are a couple of recommended choices.

Devices tested:

Enviropac Inoculator Seed Treater
(Enviropac Inc., 1­-800­-752-­1414,

Changing Times Dry Applicator:

Left side of field treated with MycoGold, Drought Conditions

Application Method

MycoGold® Soybean Blend is a dry powder seed treatment soybean inoculant. Mix MycoGold® evenly with seeds when filling the seeder using a grain auger or directly in the hopper or other container. It’s worth noting the talc carrier helps to lubricate your planter equipment.

Here’s What Soybean Farmers Have to Say

I’ve been farming for over 30 years. I’ve used the MycoGold Soybean Blend and Complex Bio-Carb on my beans for the last two years with great results. One year we had our all-time best yields of 82 bushels per acre.
– Ken G., Hanover, PA

I was very surprised with the yield increase I got from using MycoGold Soybean Blend. When combining, the carts were filling up quicker than usual. I received an extra 10 bushels more on the MycoGold treated beans. Needless to say, I will be treating my whole field next year. Great Product!
– S. Cope , Iowa

I’ve tried every type of pixie dust available to give our soybeans a boost. I didn’t really have high hopes using MycoGold but after receiving an extra 8 bushels per acre, I’m sold!
– Will W. Ohio

We are very pleased with the Mycogold inoculants test. We planted soybeans on May 6 in sandy river ground. We used a 12 row planter. 6 rows control and 6 rows Mycogold. The row width is 15 inches. Root inspection on August 6 on Mycogold shows a lot more and much larger roots. We received an additional 4 bushels per acre at harvest.
– S. Mitchem , Kentucky

Boost Your Crop Yield with MycoGold®

Ready to Get Started? Contact MycoGold Today

We know the challenges involved in farming and understand how important it is to get your input costs where they need to be while providing maximum production in return. Give MycoGold a try on your farm and realize it’s really worth Gold to your crops.